I loved this book from the first page. Waste Not by Erin Rhoads (you may already know her as The Rogue Ginger) is this year's must read book and it is absolutely loaded with tools, tips and tricks on going zero waste.
If you're a beginner and want to waste less, or are already on the road to zero waste, you'll find a wealth of information here. Certainly bookshelf worthy and I don't say this lightly!
You won't finish this book in one go, and you may need a mental or even physical rest between chapters as you realise there are so many simple things you could start doing straightaway for a more earth friendly lifestyle.

This book really does cover all the major areas of home and life with useful suggestions and ideas plus plenty of DIY recipes you can easily try out yourself.
As you read through the pages, you'll find plenty of interesting facts, although personally I'd prefer more reference to sources, but that's just me and it really didn't detract from the topics. I found the stories to be motivating and inspiring and it added to the positivity of the book. You really don't need to surround yourself with guilt and worry to go zero waste or just to start a more sustainable lifestyle.
I love her honest and down-to-earth approach and the stories she shares. I especially love that there is a section on kids too, something that is left out of many books in this genre. Dotted throughout are interviews and advice from experts which make it an entertaining read.
You won't find smugness, judgement or guilt here - this book made me feel really good about what I've achieved, made me less guilty about my not so green habits and inspired me to make some more small changes. It will renew your motivation for buying local, head for old fashioned ways of shopping and making the most of everything you have. You won't feel judged, inadequate or pressured to live zero waste either.
You'll be able to plan your actions, switch out plastics, put together useful kits and be prepared for anything. Travel, gift giving and event planning along with miscellaneous topics means you'll be consulting this book on a regular basis and much of the advice is timeless and will still be relevant in another 25 years.
This really is a fabulous guidebook for the modern home and those wanting to make a difference in wasting not.
I'm not going to give away too much of the content as there is so much in here, it's hard to choose! I highly recommend having a read yourself, but if you have any questions about it, I'd be happy to answer them.
You can get the book Waste Not online here, place a hold at your local library or beg a friend to let you loan it. In my opinion, this book is likely to replace Bea's Zero Waste Home as the must have book for zero wasters.
Have you had a chance to read the book yet? What did you find the most useful?