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Favourite Eco Products & Brands

Here are a few of my favourite sustainable and eco-friendly products that I find really useful when trying to live a zero waste lifestyle.

It does contain Affiliate links which means if you do make a purchase, the price is exactly the same for you and I may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support, this helps to keep the site up and running.

If you want to check out the items I make to help live a zero waste life, head to The Good Life with Amy French Etsy store or click on the tab in the menu.

Zero Waste Bathroom Products

A few basics to get you covered for a zero waste, plastic-free or more nature based routine. Simple changes can make a big impact and I think most of us were disturbed by the seahorse/cotton bud images floating around last year. Here are some of the items I use and highly recommend

Bamboo Toothbrush 

Corrynne's Natural Eco Soap (Pam Oil Free)

Biodegradable Cotton Buds 

Hannahpad Reusable Cloth Pads

(Read my post here for everything you need to know about making this switch)

Bi-Carb Free Deodorant Paste for Sensitive Skin 

Vegan Lip Balm 

Sampler Set of my Favourite Shampoos Bars

Zero Waste living

You do NOT need all of these items, but I find these are common items people ask me about and, depending on your lifestyle, could become essentials.


Beeswax Wraps

Biodegradable Coconut Fibre Scrubpad

Eco Friendly Dish Brush (with replaceable parts)


Lilypad Silicone Food Cover

Reusable Sandwich Bags

Sinchies Reusable Pouches

Sustainable Rubber Gloves

Stainless Steel Drinking Straws + Cleaning Brush

Plastic Free Laundry Kit (great for starting out)


I love books, but rather than list the hundreds I read every year, I wanted to keep this list short and just include my absolute favourites. This list changes now and again as I discover more and learn more. I have also dedicated a post just to Eco-friendly, Zero waste & Sustainable themed books for Kids and Teens which you can find here.

I'm always on the look out for interesting books, so let me know your suggestions! I will eventually get around to writing some in depth review posts on these fabulous books to give you a good idea of what you can expect to find in them or how useful they will be to you.


Happy Reading!



The Art of Frugal Hedonism (My No.1 Favourite Book of all time!)

The Art of The Natural Home


No Impact Man

One Magic Square and One Magic Square Vegetable Gardening

The Contented Chook

Zero waste Home (Bea Johnson)

The Case Against Fragrance

The True Cost of Toys, The True Cost of Food and other books in this series

My Zero Waste Kitchen

A Zero Waste Life in 30 Days (You can read my review on this book here.)

Some of My Favourite Online Stores 

Yes, even though I AM trying to live a low waste life I do still like to shop online because it is incredibly convenient. I am choosy where I shop and below are the main ones I personally choose to support because they are zero waste focussed, ethically based and help me to live without waste.

I've popped them here because I get a lot of people asking me how they can help support my site. It's simple - if you are planning on purchasing something you need,  click below to visit the online stores.

As an affiliate with these brands I earn a small commission (on average around 4%-8%) and this helps so much in supporting this site and keeping it up and running.

If you don't need something, don't buy it. Instead, send me a message, leave me a comment or head on over to social media. You don't need to spend money to show your support and help spread the word on being kinder to the planet.

© 2018 The Good Life with Amy French

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